Call for Papers

Are you an educational researcher interested in publishing an article in the Journal of Educational Studies and Research?

Read the conditions below and complete the publication request form.

Publication request


(1) The principal researcher offers an undertaking signed by all involved researchers (if any) stating that the research has not been published, is not submitted for publication, and will not otherwise be submitted for publication until the end of the arbitration procedure.

(2) The researcher ensures the integrity of the research language and that it is free of linguistic and grammatical errors.

(3) The research, without the name(s) of the researcher(s), must be sent within three weeks of its submission to three referees specialized in its scientific field to notify the validity of the research for publication within one month. The referees’ observations are then sent to the researcher(s) for consideration, and returned to the referees to ensure that the researcher has made the required modifications.

(4) The researcher has a maximum of one month in which to take the arbitrators’ observations into consideration or to respond to the editing requirements.

(5) The journal informs the research presenter of the outcome of the arbitration.

(6) The editorial board has the right to conduct a preliminary review of the research, to determine its eligibility for arbitration or to reject it.

(7) When the research is accepted for publication, all copyrights in the publication must be published and may not be published in any other publication outlet, paper or electronic, without the written permission of the publisher.

(8) Opinions expressed in published articles are those of the researchers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the journal.

(9) Research is sent electronically to the journal.

(10) The researcher(s) complete two copies (2) of the “Request for publication” and submit them to the President of the administrative unit, keeping a copy.

(11) Journal sections: core articles, educational technologies, teaching methods, readers’ responses, abstracts and networks

  • Core articles (25 pages): Core articles must address educational issues (theory and practice) relevant to the Mauritanian education system and must also conform to the research guidelines adopted by the journal
  • Educational technologies: This section includes short articles (15 to 25 sheets) giving an overview of educational techniques, facilities and integration into educational practice. These applications, programs, peripherals and resources may be available on the Web.
  • Teaching methods: Do you have a teaching idea or special activity that others should know about? This section (15 to 25 sheets) allows teachers to share their ideas and practical activities. Submissions should provide details of the activities as well as the contexts in which they are used.
  • Summaries: This section ( 15 to 25 sheets) is devoted to a summary of the evaluation of educational books or modern school or educational programs recorded on CDs or videos where they should focus evaluations on aspects of curriculum and content and their applicability in the context of Mauritanian education.
  • Reader responses: This section (5 to 15 sheets) gives readers the opportunity to respond to articles published in previous issues.
  • Forum: This section (2-10 pages) reports on national and international educational conferences, congresses and seminars. These reports should provide readers with an overview of professional activities, concerns and educational projects in the region.


1. Areas of interest

The journal aims to promote research in the following areas:

  • Education policies
  • Education technologies
  • Management of educational institutions
  • Financing education
  • Curricula and program development
  • Teaching methods
  • Teacher preparation and training
  • Preparation and training of administrative groups in educational institutions
  • Institutional efficiency
  • Quality standards in education
  • Student affairs
  • Equal opportunities
  • The role of civil society in education
  • Evaluation
  • Academic accreditation
  • Educational research

(2) Submitted research must not exceed 25 pages, including abstracts: Arabic, French or English, and references.

(3) The research title should be brief and expressive of the research content.

(4) The title must be followed by 2 abstracts, each not exceeding two hundred and fifty words, the first in the research language and the second in Arabic if this is not the research language. The 2 abstracts must be on two separate pages, each of which includes the research title, the name of the researcher(s), the researcher’s employer and address in Arabic and foreign languages. Each abstract contains keywords on the same page.

((5) The dimensions of the four margins (top, bottom, right, left) are (3) cm and the distance between single lines.

(6) The font type in the research text for Arabic is Simplified Arabic, size 16 and for French or English Times New Roman, size 12.

(7) If the research language is Arabic, the font type in the tables is (Arabic simplified), size 10, and for French or English (Times New Roman), size (8)

(8) Arabic numerals (1-2-3 …) must be used throughout the research.

(9) The research pages must benumbered in the middle of the bottom of the page.

(10) Do not use footnotes

(11) Use vertical orientation only (i.e. no pages are inserted in landscape orientation)

(12) The name of the researcher should not be written in the body of the research explicitly, as well as any reference revealing identity, or hobbies. The expression (the researcher or researchers) should be used rather than the name, whether in the text, the documentation, or in the bibliography.


The research must be organized according to the following elements:

Research title, Two abstracts, Keywords, Introduction, Previous studies, Methodology, Discussion of results, Recommendations , Research limitations and Bibliography.



This section should include a summary of the underlying problem or question the researcher wishes to address. It should also include the general framework of the study, its objectives and the reasons for its implementation, including the nature of its local needs.

Previous studies on the subject

This section should contain a presentation of previous studies on the subject of the research, and explain its shortcomings and the proposed contribution to fill the gap in the scientific field of research.

  • Methodology

This section should contain a description of the theoretical or intellectual framework within which the study is being carried out, and the hypothesis derived from this intellectual framework or from the questions the study seeks to answer, which is also present in the theoretical and intellectual context. The key variables to be examined and their relationships must be identified. The way in which the variables are to be converted into measurable elements, the proposed method of empirical data collection (if applicable) and the method of classification and analysis are to be explained.

  • Discussing the results

This section should contain a detailed analysis of the data collected as part of the research, using available comparative tools such as tables and graphs.

The results should be discussed in the light of both studies on the treatment issue and the educational and social contexts in Mauritania.

  • Recommendations

This section should contain guidance on the research topic, which will enhance the case study. The section should also include specific guidelines linking aspects of the issue studied to the educational and social context in Mauritania.

  • Research gaps

This section should include references to aspects of the issue addressed that the study was unable to address due to time, logistics or objective reasons.

  • Bibliography

This section should include all sources used directly or indirectly, in accordance with American Psychological Association regulations, version 6:

(American Psychological Association – APA – 6th ED)

A list of references in Arabic following the text directly, in alphabetical order and according to the surname of the first author, in accordance with the documentation method adopted in the journal.

– The list of references in Arabic is followed by a list of references in foreign languages in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author, following the documentation method adopted by the journal.

Books: Author’s name – Date of publication – Book title – Place of publication – Publishing house.

If this part is included in another author’s book, the title must be written between quotation marks followed by the word (in) and then the other elements of the documentation must be filled in.

Search: Researcher’s name – Publication date – Research title – Journal title – Publication number – Publication pages.

Theses and dissertations :: Author’s name – Date – Thesis title -Thesis (MA / PhD) – Faculty name – University name.